Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What to the airport

Hey everyone!
I am doing a What to Wear today because I am actually out of town going to the doctors so I really don't want to be doing this while I am here, so this is one I already had finished. Since many of you might be leaving to go on vacation for Spring Break and we all have that question, what should I wear to the airport? Should you wear sweats or something cute? I think a mixture of comfortable and cute is the way to go, if it is cold wear leggings and if it is warm wear jean shorts. I am doing this What to Wear if your somewhere cold going to somewhere warm.
What to the airport

*Remember to always have luggage that is bright or very noticeable!
*Always bring sunglasses(if you look tired put those on or if it is bright on the plane put them on so you can sleep).

Here are some celebrities going to the airport for some inspiration for you :)

What do all of you wear to the airport, something cute or comfy?

1 comment:

  1. Oh goodness, I'm never cute when I'm at the airport. I wanna wear confortable clothes in which I'm not gonna be cold either... So i'm just like I don't have any style at all. Anyway, I love your post, I may give a try to some items you're mentionning here.
