Tuesday, March 13, 2012

DIY Glitter Sole Shoes

Hey guys,
I am so excited to show you all a DIY Glitter Shoes that I did over the weekend with my niece (I did my heels and her gym shoes). This shoe helps amp up your LBD and basic black pumps with a little pop of color! This is very east and all you need is a little time and products and you will have amazing shoes.

1. Get all supplies together: fine glitter(any color), modge podge high gloss glue, paint brush, heels, plastic cup, tape, and newspaper.

2. Tape the outline of the sole of the heels so no glue gets on your shoe.
3. Mix a little of the Modge Podge and glitter in a plastic cup and mix. Paint this on the sole of your shoe and when all the shoe has the glue and glitter mixture on it pour the fine glitter all over the sole(you do not want to see any white spots). Shake your shoe to get off any loose glitter and let it dry for 20-30 minutes.

4. Paint the Modge Podge over the dried glue and let it dry again for 20-30 minutes (I actually let it dry for a whole night).

5. Take the tape off and viola your glitter shoes are complete!

*No, these shoes do not leave a trail of glitter, thank god!
*They might wear and tear with a lot of uses but if that happens just apply more glitter and glue.
*They are not slippery because the glitter acts as a traction.

If you have any questions let me know and if you tried this I would love for you to send me a picture of your masterpiece!

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