Thursday, February 16, 2012

Must Have Shoes

Must Have Shoes

One word comes to mind when I think of the words; sexy, comfortable, confident, durable, and doesn’t get tight when I gain weight. Can you guess what word I’m thinking of? SHOES! I love shoes so much and I really think there are 8 Must Have Shoes that every girl should have in their closet. Personally I am still needing to get me a good pair of nude pumps and heel boots, so let me know if you guys know of a good pair of those.
Now I would definitely keep something in mind when purchasing some of these items because I have come to the conclusion that if you can afford to spend more money on these staple and classic shoes (that will never go out of style) I definitely would invest in them.
So take a look at what my 8 Must Have Shoes are and see if you agree. Let me know if any of you think I should have added another one type of shoe or if you don’t agree with a type of shoe.


  1. perfect post!all women love shoes!i know i do for sure!!!i saw you on my blog so i thought i come by too!!you're doing a good work!i'm following back!
    keep it up hun!!kisses from Greece!

    1. Thanks so much for the comment, it means alot. I am following you now!! great blog!
