Tag I'm it! I was tagged by the amazing blogger Aerial from Aerial On Demand(Check her out) to follow these rules!
The Rules
1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves on their blog.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you plus eleven questions for the people you have tagged to answer
3. Choose eleven people and link them in your tag
4. Go to their page and tell them
5. No tag backs
6. You legitimately have to tag
About Me
1. I am the baby of my family, I only have 1 brother :) so it's not too big
2. I recently graduated from college in December of 2011 and I want to be either a Clinical Psychologist or Forensic Psychologist
3. I have a sister-in-law who has been in my life since I was 7 (my brother is 11 years older than me) and she is the best sister!
4. I have so many clothes and don't even wear half of them, horrible I know!
5. I love scary movies. Give me a horror movie over any other types of movies
6. I have been to each part of the Caribbean (north, south, east, west)
7. I am writing a book with my dad
8. I am Sicilian
9. I have famous family members (they are dead now). Joe DiMaggio and since he was married to Marilyn Monroe she was my cousin for a little bit!!!!
10. I have a niece named Caprice (we call her Capri) who is 6 years old and she can literally put a smile on my face in a second, I love her!
11. I think I have bugged eyes like my dad
Questions To Me
11 Questions From Me!
1. Mac or PC?
PC but I want to get a Mac Book Air before I go to graduate school, my PC is too heavy
2. What is your #1 product you'd cry if it was discontinued? Why?
B.H cosmetics, I feature them in my blog a lot. I bought their eyeshadow (120 colors) for $26.00 and their products are amazing!
3. What quote or phrase do you live your life by?
Karma's a bitch
4. Do you have any pets?
Yes, I have a German Shepard who is so beautiful names Duchess
5. What's your number one most listened to song on iTunes?
Jeez, I can say the artist's more: Jessie James and John Mayer
6. Heels or flats?
Flats because heels hurt my feet. I do have way too many heels that I never wear but heels are beautiful
7. What is your go-to outfit when you have no idea what to wear?
Leggings and either a boyfriend t-shirt or off the shoulder shirt(that covers the butt). Leggings are comfortable but can also be dressed up, the perfect go-to outfit.
8. What's the drink you ALWAYS order at Starbucks?
Carmel Macchiato
9. What kind of car do you drive, if any?
Dodge Stratus, omg I have had this car since high school but I just dont wanna waste my money on a new car haha.
10. What is your dream vacation?
Italy(Sicily, Rome, Amalfi Coast, Capri, Florence, Naples, Tuscany, and Venice)
11. Why did you start blogging?
I love fashion and beauty so I thought I could share my passion with other people!
My Questions:
1. Why did you start blogging?
2. Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes?
3. Who do you look up to the most, why?
4. What is your favorite color nail polish?
5. What is your dream job?
6. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
7. Do you have any pets?
8. If you were stranded on an island what 3 things would you bring?
9. What is your biggest makeup tip for girls?
10. Culry or straight hair?
11. What famous person do people say you look like?
Tag Your It
Hi thanks for tagging me but I was tagged recently by another blogger and I did it already. You could check out my post on Rock Me Fabulous.
ReplyDeleteOh and I love Italy as well, that would be my dream vacation too!
But thanks again and I followed you :)